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The cabinet has set the date for the municipal elections on March 8, 2026.

The Bavarian local elections in 2026 have been given a final date after receiving approval from the cabinet.

A voter puts his ballot paper into an urn at an election.
A voter puts his ballot paper into an urn at an election.

Voting events - The cabinet has set the date for the municipal elections on March 8, 2026.

The upcoming general municipal elections in Bavaria are set for March 8, 2026, as decided by Munich's cabinet on Tuesday. The decision had to be made due to the rules set forth in the Municipal and County Elections Act, which state that the next municipal elections must occur on a Sunday in March 2026 after the last ones took place on March 15, 2020.

Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) chose March 8 as the most favorable option, explaining that both the election day and potential runoff elections would not conflict with school holidays, which typically result in lower voter turnout and fewer assistance workers. Herrmann also opposed the 15th, 22nd, and 29th of March, as well as the 1st of March, saying the latter would cause several significant deadlines to miss their due dates because of holidays. The chosen date will now be discussed with the municipal peak associations to finalize the arrangements.

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