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The "Buxtehude Bull" visits Anja Reumschüssel.

Anja Reumschüssel receives the 53rd "Buxtehude Bull" award for her young adult book "Across the Rooftops of Jerusalem." The writer from Stendal spent much time residing in Israel.

A selection of books nominated for the "Buxtehuder Bulle" youth literature prize.
A selection of books nominated for the "Buxtehuder Bulle" youth literature prize.

Young Writers' Accolade - The "Buxtehude Bull" visits Anja Reumschüssel.

Author Anja Reumschussel is set to receive the youth literature prize "Buxtehuder Bulle" this year. The 40-year-old is being recognized for her book "Over the Roofs of Jerusalem" (Carlsen Verlag). The city of Buxtehude near Hamburg made the announcement on Wednesday.

Reumschussel, who spent a significant amount of time in Israel and currently resides near Stendal (Saxony-Anhalt), explores the Middle East conflict through a multi-generational story. Her novel brings together four characters who engage in conversations on the rooftops of Jerusalem. The book was written prior to the Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023.

The award ceremony for the 5,000 euro endowed youth literature prize is scheduled for November 7th. The winner will be presented with a steel sculpture in the form of a bull. The "Buxtehuder Bulle" has been given out annually since 1971, with a panel of 11 young people and 11 adults choosing the recipient.Reumschussel expressed her excitement, stating, "It's not every day you win a book prize."

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