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The BKA has launched 17 investigations against its own staff members due to allegations of right-wing extremism.

Over the past six years, the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) has handled 17 cases related to right-wing extremism, as disclosed by the German government in response to a query by Left Party MP Martina Renner. This information was obtained by AFP news agency on Saturday. The magazine...

Police officers on duty
Police officers on duty

The BKA has launched 17 investigations against its own staff members due to allegations of right-wing extremism.

13 instances yielded various outcomes. Three employees got terminated, while five union members received warnings – one of them had their warning nullified by a labor court. In five cases, disciplinary actions were applied, leaving employees with salary deductions or fines.

Two cases reached a conclusion, two others remain active, and due to ongoing legal procedures, two more haven't ended. Insight on the matter suggests tips leading to these cases originated from a former worker.

Renner conveys to "Spiegel": "Although the count of 17 formal proceedings concerning right-wing extremism at the Federal Criminal Police Office since 2018 appears meager, it's crucial to recognize that each unique case is excessive for a central investigative body."

The interior politician highlights the importance of consistency in handling each individual case. "There should be no leniency for people who utter sexist or anti-Semitic comments and disdain toward those reporting such misconduct," remarks Renner.

Read also:

  1. The Federal Government has expressed concern over the 17 investigations against AFP employees due to allegations of right-wing extremism, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the proper procedure in handling each case.
  2. Martina Renner, a prominent interior politician, has commented on the 17 investigations against BKA employees, stating that while the number may seem small, it is crucial to address each instance of right-wing extremism seriously.
  3. In response to the 17 investigations against AFP employees, a union representative mentioned that ongoing legal procedures have delayed the resolution of two cases, emphasizing the complexity of addressing such allegations within federal agencies.
  4. The 17 investigations against BKA employees due to right-wing extremism have led to disciplinary actions, including salary deductions and fines, as well as terminations and warnings for some employees, underscoring the consequences of such behavior within the public sector.

