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The best shopping centers in Germany

Dresden and Leipzig share the top three places. Also making it into the top ten is a shopping center from Chemnitz.

The best shopping centers in Germany | Photo: Anja / Pixabay

A ranking based on Google reviews has been compiled, selecting the best shopping centers in Germany. Mädler-Passage in Leipzig takes the top spot.

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It receives almost entirely positive reviews. A TripAdvisor user even named it one of the most beautiful in Europe, not least because of its special stores.

The best shopping centers in Germany that stand out from the rest

Second place goes to Specks Hof, also located in Leipzig.

It is just a few minutes' walk from Mädler Passage. This shopping center is one of the oldest surviving passages in the city.

It particularly captivates visitors with its architecture and curated range of goods. Thanks to high-quality and individual products, Specks Hof stands out among ordinary shopping centers. Therefore, it attracts the attention of thousands of visitors daily.

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To compile this ranking, the online portal also evaluated almost 600 medium and large shopping centers based on Google reviews. A mandatory condition for inclusion in the ranking was that the centers had at least 100 reviews from regular visitors.

Third place is taken by Altmarkt-Galerie in the old town of Dresden.

With over 30,000 reviews, it received the majority of 5-star ratings. The diverse selection of shops and impressive Christmas decorations that appear in anticipation of the winter holidays are particularly noteworthy.

However, Saxon shopping centers impress not only within the top three:

  • The promenades at Leipzig Central Station and Paunsdorf Center occupy the fifth and sixth places.
  • Closing the list is Sachsen-Allee in Chemnitz, taking the tenth place.

All these shopping centers truly impress with their size and a wide variety of products. Visitors can find practically everything they desire, from kitchen towels to exotic fruits in supermarkets.

In addition to the extensive range of products, all these shopping centers truly look impressive. The interior design, which usually changes depending on the season and thematic holidays, is particularly pleasing.

Tourism in Germany is booming, with visitors flocking to these top-rated shopping centers. The second-best center, Specks Hof, is a short walk from Mädler Passage and is known for its historical architecture and unique collection of goods.

Due to its exceptional shopping experience, Specks Hof has become a popular tourist destination. Many travelers include a visit to Specks Hof in their itinerary, making it a significant contributor to Germany's tourism industry.



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