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The average Abitur score in Baden-Württemberg is projected to reach 2.21 in 2023.

The lettering "ABITUR Please be quiet" hangs in the stairwell of a school.
The lettering "ABITUR Please be quiet" hangs in the stairwell of a school.

Studying and learning - The average Abitur score in Baden-Württemberg is projected to reach 2.21 in 2023.

The average grade attained during the Abitur examinations in regular high schools across Baden-Württemberg for the year 2023 was 2.21, as reported by the Statistical State Office in Fellbach, located near Stuttgart, on a Friday. This was slightly lower than the grades recorded in the two previous years that were impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. For example, the average grade reached a high of 2.15 in 2021, while it was 0.02 points lower in 2022. There was a further decrease in average grades by 0.04 points in 2023, which was noted to be getting close to the pre-pandemic level. Since 1990, Abitur grades have essentially remained stable, ranging between 2.3 and 2.4. In the previous academic year, a total of 3.7% of students managed to achieve the top score of 1.0.

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