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The Association of Cities calls for more details on handling cannabis clubs.

The manager of the North Rhine-Westphalia Association of Towns and Cities, Helmut Dedy, urges the state government for clarity in handling cannabis growth groups. "Municipalities should not be left in charge of controlling these associations. This responsibility falls on the state," Dedy said...

A hemp plant.
A hemp plant.

Substance abuse in question - The Association of Cities calls for more details on handling cannabis clubs.

Federal law has set a starting date of July 1st for the cultivation associations, which distribute cannabis for personal use amongst their members. However, the Bundestag recently amended the legalization law and imposed stricter regulations for cannabis cultivation within these associations.

The North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of Health has revealed that they are currently working on implementing these regulations within the state government. They plan to announce the details at a later time.


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