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The Ahmadiyyya leader advocates for adhering to democratic principles.

Annually, the Ahmadiyya group gathers for a peace summit, during which the event's leader discusses the political landscape in Germany as part of their opening remarks.

Each year, the community's constituents convene for the tranquility summit.
Each year, the community's constituents convene for the tranquility summit.

- The Ahmadiyyya leader advocates for adhering to democratic principles.

At the kickoff of the yearly get-together of the Muslim group Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat in Mendig, its leader underscored the value of faith and democracy. The community had declared beforehand: "Our Sharia is the Fundamental Law." When inquired about this catchphrase, the chairman Abdullah Uwe Wagishauser clarified that the expression is frequently misapprehended. "It's merely the religious code for believers," he stated. "Our Sharia instructs us that in the country we inhabit, under whose shelter we reside, we must be loyal to that country. Thus, we must uphold democracy."

Although the community is said to be non-political, the societal and political ambiance in Germany exerts an impact. "We also converse with the AfD," stated Wagishauser. Engaging in constructive dialogue with their supporters is essential. "You can't just brand them as evil," he said. "Of course, there are also individuals with whom conversation becomes challenging." A person advocating for democracy and justice cannot align with the AfD's standpoints.

Wagishauser noted that the world is sliding towards disaster and a potential third world war. "We've overlooked God," he said. But the Creator continues to exist today, as He did in the past.

The gathering is reportedly the largest Islamic peace assembly in Germany. The purpose of the event is to develop a closer relationship with God and to appeal to Him to continue aiding His creation, expressed the national chairman. For three days, Muslims converge at the airport in Rhineland-Palatinate's Mendig for prayers and speeches.

The main attraction of the event was initially planned to be the speech by the worldwide chief of the Ahmadiyya movement, Caliph Mirza Masroor Ahmad. However, he had to abandon his journey due to health reasons. As a result of the cancellation, the organizers now predict around 40,000 visitors instead of the initially anticipated 50,000.

For the three-day affair, approximately 250 tents were erected, primarily by volunteers. "We had a fantastic atmosphere prior to this event," stated Wagishauser. Therefore, they are pondering a return next year.

The AfD, despite being a political party with controversial stances, is still engaged in dialogue by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat. Wagishauser, the chairman, mentioned that they converse with the AfD's supporters, emphasizing the importance of not labeling them as entirely evil.

During thelanuary gathering of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Wagishauser indicated that the community also interacts with various other political entities in Germany, including the AfD.

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