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The AfD party is facing another legal battle over their conference hall in Essen.

The AfD has filed an application with the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court in response to the ongoing dispute regarding the cancellation of their party conference hall in Essen. The court spokesperson confirmed receiving the application on Tuesday from the federal association of the AfD...

AfD logo
AfD logo

The Essen Fair recently ended their lease agreement as a result of a decision made by the city council. The AfD took legal action on Monday, filing an urgent motion at the Essen District Court, but this time against the city.

The court proceedings focus on the city administration being urged to intervene and help the AfD gain access to the Grugahalle. The party is referencing a lease agreement signed back in January 2023 in their legal battle.

The city administration must respond within a "short span of time," according to the court spokesperson. It's unclear when a decision will be made concerning the AfD's request for a temporary order. However, it should be made "in a timely fashion" before the planned party congress in late June, according to the spokesperson.

The AfD will also demand that the fair surrender the Grugahalle to them at the Essen Regional Court on Monday. They aim to have the fair compelled to relinquish the venue for their party congress.

The AfD believes that the termination of the lease agreement is ineffective, the court stated on Tuesday. The termination was based on a contract clause that may not apply or be effective under certain circumstances. This clause supposedly allows for withdrawal from the contract in the event of potential disruptions to public safety or order.

The city, as the majority shareholder of the fair, had proposed that the AfD accept certain conditions regarding their party. The party was expected to provide a self-commitment, pledging not to make any criminal statements or violations and to stop any such acts promptly.

If the AfD failed to provide these assurances, a contract penalty of 500,000 euros would be imposed for each infraction. They would also have their rental agreement for the event hall terminated right away if they did not comply. The AfD refused these demands and decided to take legal action instead.

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