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The AfD parliamentary group requests additional financial support for animal shelters.

The Animal Welfare Association reports that several animal shelters across the nation have stopped admitting new pets due to being at full capacity.

Two dogs in a kennel at the animal shelter.
Two dogs in a kennel at the animal shelter.

The legislature convenes. - The AfD parliamentary group requests additional financial support for animal shelters.

During a meeting in Mainz on Tuesday, MP Ralf Schönborn revealed the AfD's plan to increase funding for Rhineland-Palatinate's animal shelters in the state parliament. These shelters are struggling with overcrowding, a backlog of investments, a lack of staff, and high expenses for materials and energy.

The government allocated 1.1 million euros to support these shelters last year, but the opposition faction is pushing for more funds in the upcoming budget. Schönborn didn't mention a specific amount, but it's clear that additional funds are needed.

The AfD is also pushing for a uniform, statewide identification and registration requirement for "stray" animals. This would enable lost or escaped pets to be identified and returned to their owners sooner, alleviating the burden on animal shelters. Furthermore, Schönborn mentioned that the AfD supports a nationwide ban on selling pets through online marketplaces.

Unfortunately, Rhineland-Palatinate's animal shelters are stretched to their limits. Many have closed admissions, and most animals can't be accepted. A recent statement by the German Animal Welfare Federation's Rhineland-Palatinate branch highlighted this problem. There are 65 registered associations in the state with permission to run an animal shelter, according to the Ministry of the Environment.

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