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The AfD is set to win in local elections held in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

In the local elections, the CDU in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern faces the potential of losing its dominant position, similar to the European elections. According to preliminary results, the AfD has obtained 27% of the votes from 1100 of the nearly 2000 local election districts, indicating a...

View of the party logo at an AfD federal party conference.
View of the party logo at an AfD federal party conference.

Voting Processes - The AfD is set to win in local elections held in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

In the municipal election five years ago, the Left got 16.3% of the votes, but they've since dropped down to 8%. The SPD on the other hand only lost a bit, going from 15.4% to around 12%. The Wagenknecht Party BSW did fairly well, getting about 7% with candidates available in only three out of six districts and Rostock. The Green Party's result was stripped in half from 10.3% to about 5%. The FDP and Free Voters are forecasted to reach around 2.5% each. It's expected that 64% of people will turn out to vote, which is higher than the 57.2% in 2019.

Election Update

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In contrast to its performance five years ago, the CDU has seen a significant decrease in voter favorability, going from 28.3% to an estimated 15%. This shift in support has opened up a potential opportunity for the AfD to secure the top position in the upcoming local elections in Schwerin and other municipalities in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The SPD, despite minor losses, remains a visible competitor on the victory course, seeking to counterbalance the gains of the AfD. These shifting dynamics in voter favorability could significantly impact the results of the upcoming elections. Moreover, the SPD is also eager to maintain its influence in European elections, aiming to counteract the rise of populist parties, such as the AfD.

