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The AfD in North Rhine-Westphalia plans to expel Helferich from the party.

The right-wing lawyer Matthias Helferich, who has been causing trouble for the AfD party leadership in North Rhine-Westphalia for some time, is facing discipline from the state executive committee.

Matthias Helferich.
Matthias Helferich.

Celebrations or gatherings. - The AfD in North Rhine-Westphalia plans to expel Helferich from the party.

The German news agency reports that the AfD in North Rhine-Westphalia has kicked off an expulsion process against the contentious Dortmund Bundestag member Matthias Helferich. After a state executive committee meeting on Sunday, officials in Düsseldorf stated that they can no longer tolerate "the deviations" of the unattached party member. The AfD state disciplinary court will now deliberate on the petition to expel Helferich from the party.

The 35-year-old attorney has been hurting the party for some time with his actions and is "in stark contrast" to its core principles, as per sources within the AfD. The committee voted overwhelmingly in support of ending this situation immediately. Helferich was unavailable for comment at first. His AfD membership rights have already been rescinded, which means he's now banned from taking part in internal party elections and running for office.

Helferich is infamous for remarks he made in earlier chats. He didn't deny self-describing himself as the "friendly face of National Socialism" in that chat, but claimed the charge was just a joke attributed to him by left-wing bloggers.

Back in early 2021, Helferich, an unattached Bundestag member since then, was elected as one of the five assessors at the NRW AfD state party conference in Marl. This was perceived as a setback for the camp led by state and parliamentary group leader Martin Vincentz, who was viewed as more moderate.

Additional data about Helferich: [link]

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The expulsion process against Matthias Helferich, a controversial Dortmund Bundestag member, was initiated by the AfD in North Rhine-Westphalia following a state executive committee meeting on Sunday in Düsseldorf. The AfD's state disciplinary court will consider the petition to exclude Helferich from the party due to his "deviations" from party principles. The expulsion proceedings against Helferich have gained attention from the German press agency, potentially influencing public opinion and elections in North Rhine-Westphalia, including the Bundestag and internal party elections.


