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The administrative body responsible for handling criminal proceedings in Hamburg is undergoing personnel adjustments.

Organized crime, illicit drug, and weapons smuggling incidents are accumulating at the Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office. Concurrently, statistics show a growth in other unlawful activities, leading to an increase in workforce availability.

The Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office is set to expand with the addition of 28 new positions.
The Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office is set to expand with the addition of 28 new positions.

- The administrative body responsible for handling criminal proceedings in Hamburg is undergoing personnel adjustments.

With the persistent surge in reported crimes, the Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office is set to beef up its ranks by 28 positions over the next two years. This personnel influx is crucial to maintain robust prosecution and uphold the excellent collaboration between law enforcement agencies, as per Justice Senator Anna Gallina (Greens), following a Senate meeting at the town hall.

The hefty price tag of 5.7 million euros for this overhaul will be met from the general budget funds of the finance authority. An adjustment has been incorporated into the Senate's budget proposal, slated for parliamentary approval in December.

The first phase of this transformation will see 15 new positions materialize in 2025, followed by 13 additional ones the year after.

Breaking down the new roles, eight positions will be allocated for public prosecutors, three for legal assistants, and a total of four in the economic referents and judicial officers sector.

Gallina highlighted the Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office grappling with a wide range of criminal activities and an alarming increase in new cases. "Given this legislative period, we've already substantially bolstered the criminal justice system to address organized crime in the drug and weapons trade, and to prosecute the dissemination of child sexual abuse material," she shared.

Besides persistent offenses like drug dealing, gun trafficking, and child exploitation, money laundering, economic crimes, fraud, theft, and hate crimes have also surged. "Given these realities, we're now pushing for a substantial personnel boost," Gallina stated.

General Prosecutor Jörg Fröhlich saw the increase as a testament to his team's dedication. "As we navigate this intricate criminal landscape, it will now be crucial to construct astute structures within the public prosecutor's offices to handle the mounting complexity efficiently and effectively," he added. "More manpower opens up more opportunities, which we must immediately harness to enhance our workflow."

The Senate approved an adjustment to its budget proposal, allocating funds for the Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office to add 15 new positions in 2025 and 13 more the following year. These new positions within The Senate's ranks are crucial for the Hamburg Public Prosecutor's Office to effectively manage the rise in various criminal activities, such as drug dealing, gun trafficking, money laundering, and hate crimes.

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