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The accused died in solitary confinement before the trial in Görlitz

Last year, the police found a brutally mutilated body in a house in Gelectron. Weeks later, a suspect was apprehended - the firefighter evaded his trial.

The trial for murder in Görlitz has not occurred as the defendant was found dead in his cell.
The trial for murder in Görlitz has not occurred as the defendant was found dead in his cell.

- The accused died in solitary confinement before the trial in Görlitz

Just hours before the murder trial was set to begin at the Regional Court of Görlitz**, the defendant was found dead in his prison cell. The 29-year-old firefighter from Schleife had apparently taken his own life during the night, a court spokesman confirmed. The man was discovered during the morning roll call at 6:16 AM, deceased with "severe injuries," according to a senior public prosecutor. Initial findings suggest suicide.

Police: No indications

The police initiated a death investigation procedure. An autopsy was ordered, with initial results expected early next week. The defendant had reportedly spoken to a psychologist the evening before. "The conversation was unremarkable. She had no indications that the man intended to harm himself," a spokesman said.

The 29-year-old was suspected of causing the violent death of a pensioner in Görlitz in September 2023. The member of the professional fire brigade was accused of brutally killing the 79-year-old during an argument over the sale of his house and then attempting to set the building on fire to cover up evidence. He had been in custody since November 2023.

The prison guards immediately declared an emergency upon discovering the defendant's condition during the morning roll call. Despite the psychologist's assurance of no suicide indications during their conversation the previous evening, the defendant's actions led to this tragic outcome.

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