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Test with bodycams in the northwest train: cameras show effect

Rude or aggressive rail passengers are a major challenge for train crews. Nordwestbahn is using camera technology on a trial basis and has drawn an initial interim balance.

A Regio S-Bahn stops at a platform in Oldenburg main station.
A Regio S-Bahn stops at a platform in Oldenburg main station.

De-escalation - Test with bodycams in the northwest train: cameras show effect

The use of so-called bodycams for Nordwestbahn employees in and around Bremen is having a positive effect in the company's view. The cameras on clothing have a de-escalating effect, said a spokesperson for Nordwestbahn with regard to the ongoing test. So far, there have been no cases in which video recording has been necessary, he said. (As of December 18) Customer advisors with cameras must speak to the passenger twice before activating the bodycam.

Nordwestbahn has been testing the use of bodycams on the Regio S-Bahn lines in and around Bremen since this spring. According to the spokesperson, 18 customer advisors have currently been trained to use the camera in accordance with the applicable regulations. The feedback from employees has been positive. The company hopes that body cameras will lead to greater safety for passengers and employees and that crimes can be solved more quickly. The test with the cameras is voluntary for the employees of Nordwestbahn. According to the spokesperson, it is not yet possible to draw a final conclusion.

"The safety of passengers and employees is our top priority," said the company spokesperson. "That's why we want to continue the test until next spring, but this still requires the approval of the works council." Nordwestbahn would also like to bring in trained safety escorts on selected lines and at certain times. "We are currently in talks with our public transport authorities, the Bremen Senate and the Landesnahverkehrsgesellschaft Niedersachsen (LNVG) about funding."

In 2022, Nordwestbahn registered around 210 verbal and physical assaults on the Regio-S-Bahn Bremen/Lower Saxony. The company expects a similarly high number for 2023 as a whole. By the end of September 2023, there were around 170 assaults. Compared to the pre-corona years, the number has risen significantly. Back then, Nordwestbahn registered around 50 verbal and physical assaults per year, according to the spokesperson.

Bodycams are also used by the police in Lower Saxony. According to the Ministry of the Interior, they are an additional means of protecting police officers and other people from violent attacks. Accordingly, they can help to defuse dangerous situations or prevent them from arising in the first place. The recordings can also facilitate the prosecution of criminal offenses.

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