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Tesla with smaller drop in sales than expected

The world's most valuable car manufacturer is doing better than expected in terms of deliveries. This is also reflected on the stock market.

The US group can also score points with investors with its delivery figures.
The US group can also score points with investors with its delivery figures.

Electric cars - Tesla with smaller drop in sales than expected

US electric vehicle manufacturer Tesla limits sales decline more strongly than expected in Q2. The Americans delivered 443,956 vehicles in the three months up to the end of June, which is nearly five percent less than the previous year, as they announced in Austin. Analysts had on average calculated a slightly more pronounced minus. The stock price gained in the pre-US trading. The paper had already significantly increased in value at the beginning of the week.

According to Tesla's own statements, the company produced only around 411,000 cars in the quarter. In the past, Tesla, led by Elon Musk, has often produced more than it sold in an unexpected weak market environment. As a result, Tesla granted high discounts to sell the cars. This caused a lot of resentment in the industry, as other manufacturers had to catch up. Tesla will present the financial results for Q2 on July 23.

Despite the slightly decreased vehicle sales, Tesla's electric car production in the USA still outperformed expectations. In contrast, traditional vehicle manufacturer Austin faced steeper sales declines during the same period. Interestingly, Tesla's electric vehicles, including their popular model the Tesla, continue to gain traction in the USA's automotive market.

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