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Tesla hopes for fast pace of factory expansion

The factory is not even two years old when US car manufacturer Tesla looks ahead to the planned expansion. The plant manager explains why he considers the expected first part of the approval to be a milestone.

Tesla criticized the end of the purchase premium for e-cars by the federal government.
Tesla criticized the end of the purchase premium for e-cars by the federal government.

Electric - Tesla hopes for fast pace of factory expansion

The US electric car manufacturer Tesla wants to speed up the planned expansion of its German factory. "We hope that approval for the first partial application will be granted in the first quarter," Tesla's plant manager in Grünheide, André Thierig, told Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

"The first partial approval for the expansion will be a milestone for us. It includes a consideration of the environmental impact of further expansion." The Brandenburg State Environmental Agency explained in response to an inquiry that there is no assessment of the timetable as yet. The authority is in the process of obtaining outstanding, final statements from the parties involved.

Environmentalists have concerns

Tesla wants to double production in Grünheide in Brandenburg from the previously planned 500,000 cars per year to one million per year. According to the company, more than 250,000 vehicles are currently produced annually. Optimization of the existing plant is initially planned for the expansion, followed by new buildings for car and battery production. Environmentalists have major concerns. Part of the site is located in a water protection area.

Tesla criticized the end of the purchase premium for e-cars by the federal government. "In our opinion, affordability is the decisive criterion for e-cars. If affordability is compromised, it does not contribute to the decision to buy an electric car," the company said.

In view of massive subsidies in the USA, Tesla does not expect to manufacture all of its batteries in Grünheide for the time being. "We are currently supplying parts for battery cell production to Austin," the company explained. "The Inflation Reduction Act hardly allows any other decision from a business perspective. The US government has created facts." The Inflation Reduction Act had led Tesla to focus on battery production in Austin, Texas.

Tesla Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg

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