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Tesla employees earn more when they miss little

Plant in Grünheide pays bonuses

Tesla complains about a high sickness rate in Grünheide. Special payments are intended to reduce...
Tesla complains about a high sickness rate in Grünheide. Special payments are intended to reduce the rate.

Tesla employees earn more when they miss little

Up to 1000 Euro is incentivized for Tesla employees in Grünheide who rarely take days off. The plant manager had complained about absenteeism in the past under the term "sick leave." However, employees complain about high workload.

Tesla employees in Grünheide can reach the "Gold status" - at work. At this highest level, a yearly bonus of 1000 Euro is offered. This bonus will be paid to employees in production who have a low absenteeism rate: no more than five percent of their working hours. According to "Handelsblatt," this was reported at a company meeting.

Participation in the program is voluntary, and there are various levels with corresponding bonus amounts based on the absenteeism rate. The pilot phase will begin with 100 employees and is expected to last for a year, according to plant manager André Thierig. If there are no significant problems or complaints during the pilot phase.

"Of course we know that people get sick, of course we know that people have a cold or go to the dentist or whatever," Thierig was quoted as saying. At a company meeting a year ago, the plant manager had a different tone: "We won't tolerate some people bending their backs for others who simply don't want to come to work," Thierig was quoted as saying in the past. There's no room for people in my factory who don't come to work in the morning. Tesla must defend itself against those who "so nicely put, celebrate being sick."

Employees complain about pressure and work disruptions

At that time, Thierig had reported on a "markedly above the industry average sickness-related absence." However, labor representatives attributed the high sick leave to poor working conditions. They complained about extreme pressure in the past year due to short deadlines, personnel shortages, and excessive production targets, according to IG Metall based on talks with the workforce.

Employees, according to the union, also criticized significant issues with health and safety, which led to sick leave rates of up to around 30 percent and a high number of work accidents. RTL and "Stern" had also reported on an unusually high number of work accidents in the factory. Tesla dismissed the allegations.

  1. Despite the bonus payments of up to 1000 Euro for Tesla Motors employees in Grünheide with low absenteeism rates, many employees continue to complain about the high workload and pressure, which may contribute to their illnesses.
  2. The ongoing discussions about sick leave among Tesla Motors employees in Grünheide reflect a complex interplay between salary, work conditions, and health, particularly in relation to the economy, given the significance of the plant's production for the overall economy.
  3. Green heath and wellness could potentially play a role in alleviating some of the workload-related health issues at Tesla Motors in Grünheide, perhaps through the implementation of more sustainable work practices or improved health and safety measures to reduce employee illnesses and work disruptions.

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