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Terrorist Attacks Claim Nine Lives in Dagestan, Confirms Governor

In the aftermath of violent assaults on religious sites and a police station in the Russian region of Dagestan, local officials have labeled the incidents as acts of "terrorism". According to Dagestan's governor, Sergei Melikov, communication via Telegram, the perpetrators and their intentions...

Screenshot from Ria Novosti video, Dagestan
Screenshot from Ria Novosti video, Dagestan

Terrorist Attacks Claim Nine Lives in Dagestan, Confirms Governor

The active stage of law enforcement actions has concluded, as per Melikow's statement. Six individuals identified as criminals have been eliminated. The reports confirm that four of these attackers were eliminated in Machasjkala, and two were neutralized in Derbent.

Melikow underscored the gravity of the situation, stating, "It's clear that the battlefront has come to our doors. We've already experienced its terror, but today, we're standing strong against it." Sadly, he did not offer any insights into the roots of the conflict.

The Russian Investigative Committee has launched an investigation into these alleged terrorist activities. According to the Russian news agency Ria Novosti, quoting the National Anti-Terror Committee, the attacks in Derbent and Machasjkala targeted two Orthodox churches, a synagogue, and a police checkpoint. Jewish community representatives claimed that two synagogues were attacked.

At least nine individuals were reported dead, with six policemen perishing in Derbent and Machasjkala. A policeman, previously injured in the line of duty, later succumbed to his wounds. In total, 16 people sustained injuries, among them 13 policemen.

The Russian National Guard reported one of its members was killed in Derbent. The Anti-Terror Committee also reported that an Orthodox priest was eliminated. The Russian Orthodox Church declared that Erzbischop Nikolai Kotelnikow was mercilessly murdered in Derbent.

In both cities, there were also attacks on synagogues. "The synagogue in Derbent is ablaze," wrote the Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Boruch Gorin, on the Telegram online service. "The synagogue in Machasjkala was also set aflame and destroyed," he continued.

Furthermore, the Interior Ministry in Sergokala, a village situated between Machasjkala and Derbent, reported that armed men assaulted a police vehicle. During this skirmish, a policeman was wounded.

The predominantly Muslim region of Dagestan is situated along the borders with Georgia and Azerbaijan. In April, four individuals were detained in the Caucasus Republic in connection with the deadly assault on the Crocus City Hall in a suburb of Moscow. They are alleged to have provided financing and weapons for the attack, according to the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB). During the March attack on the City Hall, over 140 casualties were reported. The terrorist organization Islamic State (IS) claimed responsibility for the attack.

Read also:

  1. The attacks in Derbent and Makhachkala, as reported by the Russian news agency Ria Novosti, targeted two Orthodox churches, a synagogue, and a police checkpoint in the Caucasus Republic of Dagestan.
  2. The Governor of Dagestan, Melikow, confirmed that nine lives were lost in the terrorist attacks, with six policemen dying in Derbent and Makhachkala.
  3. The active stage of law enforcement actions concluded in Derbent and Makhachkala, with four attackers neutralized in Makhachkala and two eliminated in Derbent, according to the Governor.
  4. The predominantly Muslim region of Dagestan, situated along the borders with Georgia and Azerbaijan, has been the scene of another violent incident, further highlighting the ongoing security challenges in the region.
  5. A synagogue in Derbent was reportedly set ablaze during the terrorist attacks, as stated by the Chairman of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Boruch Gorin, on the Telegram online service.
  6. The House of God in Makhachkala also suffered from the attacks, adding to the list of religious institutions that were targeted in the tragic events that unfolded in Derbent and Makhachkala.



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