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Terror attack prepared: Judgment is final

The verdict of the Frankfurt Regional Court against a man for preparing an Islamist terrorist attack is legally binding. The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe announced its decision from mid-December on Thursday (case no. 3 StR 228/23), stating that the review of the verdict had not...

Federal Court of Justice - Terror attack prepared: Judgment is final

The verdict of the Frankfurt Regional Court against a man for preparing an Islamist terrorist attack is legally binding. The Federal Court of Justice (BGH) in Karlsruhe announced its decision from mid-December on Thursday (case no. 3 StR 228/23), stating that the review of the verdict had not revealed any legal errors to the detriment of the accused. The man sentenced to seven years' imprisonment by the regional court in December 2022 had lodged an appeal.

According to the verdict, the now 32-year-old, who lived in Kassel at the time of the crime, sympathized with the terrorist group "Islamic State" (IS) and decided to carry out a terrorist attack with firearms and kill a large number of randomly selected people by the beginning of 2021 at the latest. To this end, he obtained several firearms, including a submachine gun. He practiced shooting in the cellar of the house he lived in in Kassel and in an open field on the edge of a freeway near Kassel.

Users of an internet forum informed the police after the accused had tried to find out how to make cartridges for a submachine gun. The police found an arsenal of weapons, explosives and ammunition in his apartment. The district court sentenced him for preparing a serious act of violence endangering the state and for extensive violations of weapons law.

Statement BGH

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