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Terror attack on Christmas market: commemorating the anniversary

In just a few seconds seven years ago, the terrorist attack turned the Christmas market into a field of rubble full of dead and injured people. The annual commemoration remembers the victims - and their families who continue to grieve.

A swath of devastation can be seen at the Christmas market on Breitscheidplatz in Berlin.
A swath of devastation can be seen at the Christmas market on Breitscheidplatz in Berlin.

Extremism - Terror attack on Christmas market: commemorating the anniversary

On the seventh anniversary of the Islamist terrorist attack on the Berlin Christmas market at the Memorial Church, politicians and relatives are remembering the victims. A memorial service is planned for Tuesday evening in the Memorial Church on Breitscheidplatz near Kurfürstendamm. Afterwards, as in previous years, the names of the 13 victims who died will be read out at the memorial at the back of the church where the attack took place. Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) will also take part in the evening commemoration.

On December 19, 2016, an Islamist terrorist hijacked a truck and drove it into the Christmas market. A total of 13 people died as a result of the attack, one of them years later from the consequences. More than 70 people were injured, some of them seriously. The attacker fled to Italy, where he was shot dead by the police.

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