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Terror alert: Police increase protection of cathedral on New Year's Eve

Following the terror alert for Cologne Cathedral, the police want to secure the world-famous cathedral and its surroundings with strict protective measures on New Year's Eve. Preparations will be made to counter "possible attacks", said head of operations Martin Lotz on Friday. "I can't...

Fireworks rockets lie in a box in a store.
Fireworks rockets lie in a box in a store.

Crime - Terror alert: Police increase protection of cathedral on New Year's Eve

Following the terror alert for Cologne Cathedral, the police want to secure the world-famous cathedral and its surroundings with strict protective measures on New Year's Eve. Preparations will be made to counter "possible attacks", said head of operations Martin Lotz on Friday. "I can't elaborate on what kind of attacks here."

It is also possible that police officers with submachine guns will be seen in Cologne. "That can be unsettling, I know that," said Lotz. But the measure is important to enable the population to celebrate peacefully.

Before Christmas, the security authorities had received information about a possible attack plan by an Islamist group relating to New Year's Eve. Security measures at the cathedral have already been increased for the Christmas celebrations. It was closed to tourists until further notice. On Christmas Eve, the police then took a 30-year-old man into custody in Wesel "to avert danger". The Tajik is suspected of having spied on the cathedral.

Head of operations Lotz outlined the considerations that played a role in the planning for the police operation on New Year's Eve. "We have to think about it: What are they possibly up to?" he said. Threats must always be interpreted. Damaging the cathedral itself is "not that easy", explained Lotz. "That means the surroundings can be just as easy."

Police statement on the danger warning for the cathedral (December 23) Police statement on security measures at Cologne Cathedral (December 26) Police statement on long-term detention for 30-year-old man (December 26) Cathedral services in the cathedral

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