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The switched-on circuit breaker of a multiple socket lights up
The switched-on circuit breaker of a multiple socket lights up

Tennet to propose third power line

The electricity grid operator Tennet is proposing a third major power line for Bavaria. The line is to end in Trennfeld in Lower Franconia. Mario Meinecke, Tennet expert for grid development, told the Münchner Merkur newspaper. If the line is actually planned and built, it could go into operation in the mid-2030s, according to Tennet. According to the company, Bavaria would then have significantly more wind power from northern Germany available in the future.

"The Federal Network Agency would like to increase a high-voltage direct current transmission to Baden-Württemberg from two to four gigawatts," Meinecke told Merkur. "Instead, we will propose to the Federal Network Agency on Monday to split this line and have one of the two cables end in the Bavarian Trennfeld."

Due to the shutdown of the nuclear power plants, Bavarian electricity production has fallen, but most experts agree that electricity demand in Bavaria will increase. The two large extra-high-voltage lines "Suedlink" and "Suedostlink" have been planned so far - the former is also to end in Lower Franconia, the latter in Lower Bavaria. The new project would be added to this.

Minister of Economic Affairs Hubert Aiwanger (Free Voters), who as an opposition politician had previously declared the first two lines superfluous and fought against them for years, is now also calling for a third line.

The new power line proposed by Tennet could significantly increase the availability of wind energy from northern Germany in Bavaria, as electricity demand is expected to increase due to various factors. The proposed line, ending in Trennfeld, will likely enhance Bavaria's electricity grid infrastructure, potentially supporting the increase in renewable energy sources.


