Telegram denies allegations levied against its founder, Durov.
The creator of Telegram, Pavel Durov, is currently in police custody in France, as stated by various news outlets. It was reported that his detention was extended on a Sunday evening, based on information from sources connected to the investigation.
In response to the allegations, Telegram released a statement defending itself. According to the company, they adhere to all necessary laws, including the Digital Services Act (DSA), which targets the removal of illegal content and activities on major online platforms. Durov, they claim, has no secrets to hide and frequently travels within Europe. They also believe it is absurd to blame a platform or its owner for the misuse of the service by external parties.
Telegram has been the subject of criticism due to its alleged inadequate handling of hate speech and other unlawful activities. However, the company argues that it is in line with industry standards.
Failure to act against serious wrongdoings?
French justice may view things differently. Reports indicate that an investigation against Durov has been underway for some time now. The suspicion is that he has aided in drug trafficking, fraud, and several offenses related to child abuse by failing to act upon Telegram and provide insufficient cooperation with authorities. Consequently, he was sought by the authorities.
Durov was unexpectedly arrested on a Saturday evening at Le Bourget Airport near Paris, according to TF1 and BFMTV, along with other French media, who cited sources close to the investigation. The reason for his travel from Azerbaijan to France, where he was being sought, was initially unclear. The French prosecutor's office declined to comment on the situation.
The Russian embassy in France has taken notice of Durov's situation, as mentioned in a statement cited by the Russian news agency TASS. The Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, called for consular access to Durov. However, complications arise due to Durov's possession of both Russian and French citizenship.
Durov co-founded Telegram with his brother Nikolai after they had already initiated the network, a Russian-language equivalent to Facebook. Telegram is among the most significant online networks in Russia, also utilized by many authorities and politicians for communication. The service is used by both sides engaged in the Russian invasion of Ukraine for communication.
Given the ongoing investigation in France against Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram, for allegedly failing to act against drug trafficking, fraud, and child abuse-related activities on the platform and providing insufficient cooperation with authorities, it's worth noting that France has a strong stance on these issues. In light of Durov's dual citizenship, resolving the issue of consular access might pose challenges.
Moreover, the situation raises questions about the international responsibility of online platform owners in preventing and addressing illegal activities on their platforms, as France continues to scrutinize Durov's role in this situation.