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Teenager Faces Arrest and Caution for Attack

In relation to offenses committed by a gang of youths in Heide, a district court in Meldorf tried the first case. A 15-year-old was found guilty and subjected to a four-week permanent detention period, along with a formal warning.

Ein roter Bus der Linie 2500 der Autokraft GmbH im Auftrag der DB Regio AG fährt von Meldorf zum...
Ein roter Bus der Linie 2500 der Autokraft GmbH im Auftrag der DB Regio AG fährt von Meldorf zum Bahnhof Heide.

Illicit activity - Teenager Faces Arrest and Caution for Attack

On Tuesday, the Meldorf District Court handed out a sentence to a 15-year-old for two counts of serious injury and other offenses. The court spokesperson described the defendant as generally compliant and insightful. Despite being connected to the infamous Heider Youth Gang, the individual was not charged with participation in the alleged crimes or any definite involvement. The entire juvenile court session was held behind closed doors.

The court announced a formal warning and a 4-week prison sentence. One case involved severe physical harm and theft, while the other was limited to an attempted crime. Along with threats, abuse, and shared property damage, the incidents took place during the last months of 2023 and into early 2024. After leaving prison, the teenager will be placed in the care of the local youth welfare office for a period of 4 months. Once released, he will need to undergo a detox program as required.

According to the prosecutor's office, a trial against other members of the youth group will commence on June 4th. Back in March, the prosecutor's office had begun investigating four members for a grave robbery. All suspects were under pre-trial detention. The group is believed to have perpetrated different crimes, particularly thefts, at Heide's train station. A significant amount of these transgressions involved robberies.

Heide has experienced issues with juvenile delinquency in the past. The small county town made headlines in the previous year due to a disturbing event. Multiple girls aged approximately 13 to 16 years old were accused of violently assaulting and demeaning a 13-year-old girl. Rumors circulated that the aggressors filmed the whole encounter using a smartphone.

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