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Teacher successfully appeals against search of home in Karlsruhe

A teacher from Baden-Württemberg has successfully appealed to the Federal Constitutional Court against the search of his home to determine his income. The court ruled on Friday that the search was disproportionate. The civil servant was under investigation for allegedly insulting two police...

Federal Constitutional
Federal Constitutional

Teacher successfully appeals against search of home in Karlsruhe

The criminal proceedings were discontinued in January 2023 in exchange for a fine. Prior to this, in November 2021, the local court had ordered a search of the apartment to find out how much the man earned. This was necessary in order to determine the daily rates for a fine, it justified its decision.

When the police officers arrived at his home, the teacher reportedly handed them his latest payslips and an income tax return. The apartment therefore did not need to be searched any further.

The teacher went to court to establish that the search was unlawful. His appeal was rejected by the Heilbronn Regional Court in July 2022. He appealed to the Federal Constitutional Court, which has now overturned the decision from Heilbronn.

It would have been more obvious than the search to question the teacher himself or the salary office about his income, Karlsruhe explained. The teacher's fundamental right to inviolability of the home was violated by the search order.

The search was disproportionate to the seriousness of the alleged offense, it continued. The Heilbronn Regional Court must now decide anew on the costs of the appeal proceedings, according to the Federal Constitutional Court.

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