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Teacher seeks redress after losing work due to restlessness.

A teacher was dismissed for fomenting animosity towards the government. She is now arguing her case at the Higher Administrative Court, clarifying the specific charges against her.

The Justice Center in Koblenz, which houses the Rhineland-Palatinate Constitutional Court, the...
The Justice Center in Koblenz, which houses the Rhineland-Palatinate Constitutional Court, the Higher Administrative Court, the Administrative Court, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Social Court and the Labour Court.

Court of High Jurisdiction - Teacher seeks redress after losing work due to restlessness.

A sacked teacher who had been charged with inciting against the state is still protesting her job termination. Yesterday, an appeal trial started at the Regional Court of Koblenz, as announced by the authority. According to a prior report by SWR, the Regional Court of Trier had decreed in July 2023 that she must lose her position. The female teacher from Palatinate had transgressed the border to a constitutional infraction several times in her public political statements, it was stated.

She consistently criticized the federal government's migration and Corona policies and crossed the line into a constitutional infraction with her public political appearances. The woman had targeted politicians, the government, its institutions, the EU, and even migrants. Consequently, the court ruled that she could no longer ensure, according to the verdict, teaching her students "in accordance with legal requirements" and preparing them for social skills.

The teacher had been under investigation for appearing publicly through her statements at demonstrations and on social media platforms since March 2018. It was not anticipated that a decision by the Administrative Court would be conveyed on Wednesday. Such judgment is normally announced in writing after the trial.

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