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Task force examines establishment of a Saxon border police force

Asylum and migration are contentious issues between the federal and state governments. The idea of Saxony having its own border police force recently met with criticism. This makes little impression on the Minister President.

A federal police officer stands by a minibus during border controls before the European Football...
A federal police officer stands by a minibus during border controls before the European Football Championship at the "Am Heideholz" rest area on the Autobahn 17 near the German-Czech border

Internal security - Task force examines establishment of a Saxon border police force

In the face of the high number of illegal entries into Saxony, the conditions for establishing a border police of its own modeled after Bavaria are being examined. Michael Kretschmer (CDU), Minister-President of Saxony, set up an independent task force for this purpose. In the coming months, it will conduct an investigation, taking into account the experiences in Bavaria and further expertise, and prepare proposals.

"The number of illegal entries into Saxony is still too high," Kretschmer said on Thursday during a visit to the Police Directorate in Görlitz. "We are examining all possibilities to reduce this." A Saxon border police is one of them. "Internal security and public order are priorities in the Free State of Saxony."

Interior Minister Armin Schuster (CDU) referred to the already built-up competence in the border regions. The task force will investigate how the existing prototype can be expanded. It needs a "clear understanding of the size and dimension of the additional required resources."

  1. Despite the establishment of the task force to examine the possibility of a Saxon border police, the number of illegal entries from Germany into Saxony, particularly in Görlitz, continues to pose a challenge.
  2. Michael Kretschmer, the CDU Minister-President of Saxony, has emphasized the importance of internal security and public order, citing this as a reason for exploring options to reduce illegal entries.
  3. As part of the investigation, the task force will consider the experiences gained from Bavaria's border police and seek further expertise, aiming to prepare proposals for a potential Saxon border police force.
  4. Armin Schuster, the CDU Interior Minister, underscores the existing competence in the border regions and encourages the task force to investigate how this prototype can be expanded, recognizing the need for a clear understanding of the additional resources required.
  5. In the context of migration and asylum policies, the role of the police in maintaining internal security and managing border control remains a critical issue in the political discourse of Saxony.

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