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Talk about establishing a lithium battery storage system.

Repeated waste disposal company fires may be caused by improper battery disposal in household trash, prompting Baden-Württemberg's Minister of the Environment to evaluate the feasibility of a deposit system.

Old car batteries found and sorted out in household waste deliveries are placed in the sorting...
Old car batteries found and sorted out in household waste deliveries are placed in the sorting plant of the waste disposal company Remondis Seenplatte.

A minister responsible for environmental matters has been announced. - Talk about establishing a lithium battery storage system.

The Environment Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Thekla Walker (from the Greens party), is urging for a deposit system to be investigated in regards to batteries and accumulators because of the growing number of fires at waste disposal sites. The Ministry points out that discarded batteries and accumulators are responsible for these fires becoming more common at treatment facilities, which poses a threat to the entire waste management system.

Alongside North Rhine-Westphalia, they submitted a proposal during the Environment Ministers' Conference in Bad Dürkheim. This proposal urges the federal government to consider the possibility of implementing a deposit system for lithium-containing batteries and accumulators. In addition, they are calling for more information to be made available to consumers about proper disposal methods for these items. The federal government should also push for a ban on the sale of single-use e-cigarettes, as there is evidence suggesting that many fires are caused by them. This proposal was agreed upon by the Environment Ministers and Ministers at the conference on Friday, as stated by the Baden-Württemberg Environment Ministry.

Walker explains, "Many people don't realize the potential hazards of improperly disposed lithium batteries. When they end up in landfills, they can ignite due to the high energy present in these batteries, causing dangerous fires." To prevent this from happening, a thorough information campaign is required to ensure that these batteries don't end up in household waste. Moreover, it's important to look into the possibility of introducing a deposit system for lithium batteries.

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