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Sweden's accession to Nato: Erdogan makes ratification dependent on US fighter jets

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has made his country's ratification of Sweden's accession to Nato dependent on the approval of F-16 fighter jets from the USA. The US said it "will not take action on the F-16 issue until Congress approves them, but I also have a parliament," Erdogan told...

US F-16 fighter
US F-16 fighter

Sweden's accession to Nato: Erdogan makes ratification dependent on US fighter jets

In response to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the traditionally non-aligned Sweden applied for NATO membership together with its neighbor Finland in May of last year. Finland joined the military alliance in April, while Sweden is still waiting for the approval of member states Turkey and Hungary.

Ankara has been delaying Sweden's accession to Nato for months. Erdogan gave his word at the Nato summit in July that Sweden could join, but the Turkish parliament has still not ratified the application.

NATO partner Turkey needs the F-16 fighter jets demanded by Erdogan to modernize its air force. The US government has shown itself to be open to a sale worth 20 billion dollars. However, several members of the US Congress have expressed concern about the human rights situation in Turkey and tensions with NATO partner Greece.

Further potential for conflict between Washington and Ankara lies in the US support for Israel in its war against the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip and Kurdish groups in Syria. The USA has supported the Kurdish militia YPG in its fight against the jihadist militia IS - Turkey, on the other hand, regards it as a partner organization of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), which it persecutes.

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