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Suspended sentence for material deliveries to radical Islamic group in Syria

The Hamburg Higher Regional Court has sentenced a defendant to one year and one month in prison on probation for supporting a radical Islamic organization in Syria that is classified as a terrorist organization. According to a court spokeswoman on Thursday, the court considered it proven that...


Suspended sentence for material deliveries to radical Islamic group in Syria

At one of the vehicles, it was therefore a ambulance. The man's deliveries were intended primarily as relief supplies for the civilian population, but this man was aware of the militarily usable equipment also transported in the cars.

The judgment followed after a plea bargain and corresponded largely to the prosecution's plea. The prosecution had demanded a suspended sentence of one year and two months in prison. Ahrar al-Sham is an Islamic organization that fought in the Syrian civil war at that time. The transports took place in December 2013 and April 2014.

The man's actions led to an investigation by the Higher Regional Court. The Court spokeswoman confirmed the verdict, which included a suspended sentence for the man. Despite the tensions in Syria, the man's vehicle was permitted to make material deliveries to Greece, but his grouping's ties to militant organizations like Ahrar al-Sham raised concerns. Despite the suspended sentence, future transportations of this nature may be under closer scrutiny.

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