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Suspects remain silent after death of 56-year-old man

Following the violent death of a 56-year-old man in Cuxhaven, the two young suspects remain silent about the charges. The 20 and 21-year-old men did not make any statements to the magistrate, said a spokesman for the Stade public prosecutor's office on Wednesday. They are charged with...

A closed gate in a correctional facility.
A closed gate in a correctional facility.

Cuxhaven - Suspects remain silent after death of 56-year-old man

Following the violent death of a 56-year-old man in Cuxhaven, the two young suspects remain silent about the charges. The 20 and 21-year-old men did not make any statements to the magistrate, said a spokesman for the Stade public prosecutor's office on Wednesday. They are charged with manslaughter. The 56-year-old was found lifeless by relatives in a residential area in the city center on Sunday. He was found to have stab wounds that led to his death.

The young men were arrested on Christmas Day following information from witnesses. According to the police, the investigators also secured extensive evidence. The alleged perpetrators are now in custody in various prisons.

Statement from the Cuxhaven police station

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The tragedy occurred in the city of Cuxhaven, which is located in Lower Saxony, Germany. The public prosecutor's office in Stade is overseeing the case involving the two young suspects. The alleged incident took place on a Sunday, leading to the death of a 56-year-old man. The incident has sparked concerns about criminality in the region.


