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Suspected thief allegedly attacked man with weapon

A man is said to have stolen several thousand euros from a car in Ludwigsburg and then shot the owner of the car. According to initial police findings, the weapon may have been a blank-firing pistol. The 46-year-old surprised the unknown thief in a backyard on Wednesday, a police spokeswoman...

A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.
A blue light shines on the roof of a police car.

Ludwigsburg - Suspected thief allegedly attacked man with weapon

A man is said to have stolen several thousand euros from a car in Ludwigsburg and then shot the owner of the car. According to initial police findings, the weapon may have been a blank-firing pistol. The 46-year-old surprised the unknown thief in a backyard on Wednesday, a police spokeswoman said on Thursday. The victim had just been about to get into his car when the unknown man got out of the passenger door.

The 46-year-old reportedly held the man down and shouted at him. The unknown perpetrator pulled out a gun and shot at the car owner, it was further reported. According to the police, the 46-year-old was slightly injured in the hand. The spokeswoman was unable to say where the injury came from. According to her, a casing was found at the scene that could belong to a blank cartridge.

According to the police, the perpetrator fled and knocked over a 70-year-old woman who, according to initial findings, was not injured. The police asked for information from the public after the incident on Wednesday.

Police press release

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