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Suspected of inciting a riot against a police candidate

A trainee police officer at the university of applied sciences in Schneeberg has been suspended due to suspicion of incitement of the people. The case is with the public prosecutor's office.

A police officer has been filed a complaint for hate speech.
A police officer has been filed a complaint for hate speech.

- Suspected of inciting a riot against a police candidate

A complaint has been filed against a Saxon police trainee on suspicion of incitement. The trainee at the Police Academy in Schneeberg is alleged to have made antisemitic remarks on Tuesday following an excursion to a Jewish cemetery. The Saxon Police Academy has initiated disciplinary and service law proceedings against the man.

"Nazi and antisemitic ideologies have no place in the Saxon Police," said Rector Dirk Benkendorff. The police recruit has been prohibited from leading official duties, and the case has been forwarded to the public prosecutor's office.

In the past, several trainees at the Police Academy have drawn attention for similar incidents. In December, a 22-year-old was suspended for allegedly racially insulting another police trainee. In October 2023, an 18-year-old was suspended shortly after starting his training due to suspected right-wing extremism.

The public prosecutor's office is now responsible for investigating the case of the Saxon Police trainee who made antisemitic remarks. It's essential for the Saxon Police to address and eradicate any instances of discriminatory behavior within their ranks.

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