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Suspected homicide in Spandau - woman arrested

Officers found a dead man in an apartment - a woman was arrested. The background to the crime is still unclear.

A woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder in Spandau. Officers found a dead man in the...
A woman has been arrested on suspicion of murder in Spandau. Officers found a dead man in the apartment. (symbolic picture)

Crime - Suspected homicide in Spandau - woman arrested

A man is presumably murdered in an apartment in Berlin-Spandau. A woman was arrested on suspicion of a murder crime, a police spokesperson announced. According to this, the response units were called to a flat in Zeppelinstraße in the afternoon. The woman opened the door to the police. In the apartment, the officers then found a dead man. The woman showed injuries and is currently being treated in the hospital. Evidence was secured in the apartment, a murder commission has taken over the investigation.

Details still unclear

Regarding the course of events and further details, the police have not made any statements yet. In addition, it is still unknown what relationship the alleged perpetrator and the victim had to each other. According to information from the "Berliner Kurier", the man was allegedly stabbed.

The woman's arrest is linked to a homicide incident in Berlin-Spandau. Emergencies were triggered by the discovery of a dead man in a flat on Zeppelinstraße. The police are investigating this as a potential case of crime.

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