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Suspected Fraudsters in Elderly Housing: Possible Attempted Burglary Incident?

Unidentified individuals feigned being tradesmen at the residence of a senior couple in Halle-Neustadt. They tricked the 89-year-old woman and 91-year-old man into letting them into their flat by claiming they needed to assess a leaky faucet, as stated by the police on the following day.

A police patrol car.
A police patrol car.

Hall named in fresh allegations of assault on women. - Suspected Fraudsters in Elderly Housing: Possible Attempted Burglary Incident?

Two mysterious men were let into the couple's apartment, and one of them went to the bathroom to tinker with something. The other one was likely searching the place. Suddenly, the elderly woman realized what was happening and ordered the intruders to leave. They quickly exited the scene, with one of them shoving the senior citizen out of the way. Fortunately, the woman sustained no injuries. However, no items were stolen. The authorities are looking into the matter as an attempted burglary. To avoid such incidents in the future, it's recommended to contact your landlord instead of letting strangers into your place.

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In light of the incident, the senior housing complex in Halle-Neustadt, Saxony-Anhalt, has increased its security measures due to concerns about crime and potential robberies targeting seniors. The local police are urging elderly residents to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities immediately. Unfortunately, such incidents are not uncommon in the region, with various reports of robberies involving men.



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