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Suspected fraud at DRK clinics

The Berlin public prosecutor's office is investigating an employee of the DRK clinics on suspicion of fraud. The 31-year-old is alleged to have embezzled 1.6 million euros "on a weekend at the beginning of November this year", as a spokesperson for the public prosecutor's office announced on...

Files lie on the table before a trial in a district court.
Files lie on the table before a trial in a district court.

Justice - Suspected fraud at DRK clinics

The Berlin public prosecutor's office is investigating an employee of the DRK clinics on suspicion of fraud. The 31-year-old is alleged to have embezzled 1.6 million euros "on a weekend at the beginning of November this year", as a spokesperson for the public prosecutor's office announced on Thursday in response to an inquiry. The "B.Z." had previously reported. The man has been in custody since November 7. According to the public prosecutor's office, it is still unclear where the money has gone.

The DRK clinics were initially unable to comment. As reported by "B.Z", the employee no longer works for the clinic group. "After we became aware of significant irregularities in November, we immediately informed the responsible state criminal investigation office. The authorities also began their investigation immediately and we are fully supporting them," the newspaper quoted a spokeswoman for the DRK clinics as saying.

The clinic group with locations in Berlin-Mitte and the districts of Westend, Köpenick and Wedding employs more than 3,900 staff, according to its own information.

The public prosecutor's office did not provide any further information on the position of the suspected employee, citing personal rights. In addition, further information could jeopardize the ongoing investigation, explained the spokesperson for the authorities.

B.Z. report

Read also:

  1. The investigation into the DRK clinics' suspected fraud case has raised concerns about potential criminality in the healthcare sector in Berlin.
  2. The public prosecutor's office has been intensely scrutinizing the case, seeking to uncover any evidence of health services being manipulated for personal gain.
  3. Despite the ongoing investigation, the public is calling for justice and transparency in the handling of the situation to ensure the integrity of the medicinal system remains intact.
  4. As the case progresses, more attention has turned towards the DRK clinics, and whether their management and employees have a responsibility to act in the best interests of public health.


