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Suspect in juvenile detention for sexual assault of 16-year-old girl

He is alleged to have pursued a youth and dragged them into a driveway: A 45-year-old is in custody following a sexual offense. What led the investigators to this man.

With a resolution, investigators searched the suspect's apartment. (Stock image)
With a resolution, investigators searched the suspect's apartment. (Stock image)

- Suspect in juvenile detention for sexual assault of 16-year-old girl

Two weeks after a sexual offense against a 16-year-old in Breuna (Kassel district), a suspect is in custody. The 45-year-old is alleged to have pursued the teenager and forcibly dragged her into a property entrance, as police and prosecutors reported. A judge ordered custody on Friday "due to a serious sexual offense."

Investigators traced the man through telecommunications data. Last week, they searched his apartment with a warrant and seized his phone, among other items. Now, evidence is being evaluated, it was reported. The police also received several tips from the public following an appeal for witnesses.

On July 14, the suspect had been harassing the 16-year-old at a bus stop and followed her when she ran away, according to current investigations. The teenager was taken to a hospital after the incident but left the same night.

The 45-year-old, now in custody, was apprehended by the police after allegations of a sexual offense. Following the appeal for witnesses, the local authorities received several tips from the public.

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