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Suspect arrested after car fires in Duisburg

A series of car fires in the south of Duisburg kept the police on their toes for days. Now a manhunt has been successful.

A series of car fires in Duisburg has apparently been solved.
A series of car fires in Duisburg has apparently been solved.

Arson - Suspect arrested after car fires in Duisburg

After a series of car arsons in the southern part of Duisburg, the police have arrested a suspect. A warrant for his arrest has been issued against the 37-year-old due to multiple counts of arson, according to the police and prosecutor's office. The suspect is in custody. He was identified and arrested at his residence through meticulous investigation and witness tips. During the subsequent search, potential evidence was secured by investigators, according to the police. The evaluation is ongoing.

Police and firefighting forces were deployed to numerous car arsons in the southern districts of Duisburg from Monday to Wednesday in the late hours. Around 16 cars were set on fire or damaged. No one was injured.

The car arsons in Duisburg's southern districts have caused concern in the North Rhine-Westphalia's Public prosecutor's office. The suspect's arrest location was in Duisburg itself, highlighting a potential local threat. The series of car fires in Duisburg have been under investigation by both the police and fire departments.

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