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Survey: people use smartphones more often to pay

Cash is popular with German consumers. But digital payment methods are on the rise. If stores don't offer these, some customers go straight to the competition.

According to consumers, the most important thing when paying at the checkout is that it is
According to consumers, the most important thing when paying at the checkout is that it is

Survey: people use smartphones more often to pay

Cashless payment by smartphone is gradually emerging from its niche in Germany. Bank cards (44%) and cash (30%) are by far the most popular payment methods, according to a Forsa survey commissioned by credit card provider Visa. However, smartphones (13%) and smartwatches (4%) together also account for a not insignificant proportion of the 1732 adults surveyed.

According to the data collected in September/October of the current year, a total of 23% of respondents use their smartphone or smartwatch frequently or at least occasionally to pay for goods or services in stores. In the survey four years ago, the proportion was significantly lower at 6%. "Digital technologies are increasingly shaping the way we use money," said Albrecht Kiel, Head of Central Europe at credit card provider Visa.

In the latest survey, almost one in five (19 percent) stated that they avoid stores where they cannot make cashless purchases. When asked where they currently still miss the option of paying by card or mobile, participants most frequently mentioned small stores (31 percent), weekly markets (26 percent) and Christmas markets (24 percent) as well as bakeries (20 percent).

According to consumers, the most important thing when paying at the checkout is that it is quick. This aspect was chosen by 67% of respondents from a selection of possible answers. Almost as many want to have a good overview of their spending (64%) - and according to their own assessment, they are best able to do this with bank cards such as the Girocard linked to their current account (41%) or when paying with bills and coins (38%). When asked which payment method allows them to control their everyday spending best and most clearly, 9 percent said their smartphone.

As digital technologies continue to influence financial habits, a significant number of consumers (23%) now use their smartphones or smartwatches to make payments frequently or occasionally. Furthermore, 19% of respondents actively avoid stores that do not offer cashless payment options.


