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Survey: Germans also use alcohol to escape from everyday life

For many Germans, alcohol is part of the celebrations. Increasingly, not only on big occasions such as Christmas or New Year's Eve. This was the result of a survey by a well-known sparkling wine producer.

A woman sits on a park bench with a bottle of beer.
A woman sits on a park bench with a bottle of beer.

Drinks - Survey: Germans also use alcohol to escape from everyday life

According to a survey, alcohol consumption is a way for people in Germany to deal with wars and crises. This is the result of a study published on Friday by sparkling wine producer Rotkäppchen-Mumm. For many of those surveyed (62%), traditional festivities are an important reason to drink alcohol. However, the survey revealed that, in addition to major celebrations, small moments such as a get-together with friends or the weekend are increasingly being used to raise a glass.

64% said that so-called moments of pleasure were important to them in times of crisis. Around half (54%) did not want to limit their consumption. For three quarters of those surveyed, communal consumption was a break from everyday life.

According to the authors of the study, there is also a trend towards alcohol-free or alcohol-reduced drinks. For example, 66% stated that they had tried non-alcoholic alternatives to champagne, wine or sparkling wine in the last twelve months.

According to the Managing Director of Rotkäppchen-Mumm, Christof Queisser, the sparkling wine business was heavily influenced by the outbreak of war in Ukraine in February 2022. According to him, the costs for glass, transportation and also in agriculture had risen so sharply that the production of sparkling wine had become around 20 percent more expensive overall. "This was a situation for us that we hadn't had for decades - especially in terms of speed," said Queisser. As a result, the company raised its prices. In the current year, the sparkling wine business has stabilized again.

The trend study "Enjoyment culture in times of the coronavirus crisis" has been conducted once a year since 2021. For the study by the opinion research institute Cint, which is reportedly representative, 2028 people over the age of 18 living in Germany were surveyed. The data collected as part of this study was answered in an online survey by people who occasionally to regularly consume wine, sparkling wine or spirits. The survey period this year was between October 27 and November 7.

Rotkäppchen-Mumm is one of the leading producers of sparkling wine, wine and spirits in Germany. The company is based in Freyburg in the Burgenland district of Anhalt. According to its own figures, the company with nine locations achieved a total turnover of 1.2 billion euros last year.

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