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Survey: Financial confidence on the decline

Fewer people believe that their financial situation will be positive in ten years' time. Confidence in old-age provision is also low among people who put money aside in addition to their state pension.

According to a survey, 46% of older retirees are optimistic about their finances. However, in
According to a survey, 46% of older retirees are optimistic about their finances. However, in the previous survey, the figure was just over

Survey: Financial confidence on the decline

According to a survey, many people are increasingly skeptical about their financial prospects in difficult economic times, especially among the older generation. 60 percent believe that their financial situation will be positive in ten years' time - four points less than in 2022, according to life insurance company Swiss Life, citing the survey.

Among retired older people, 46% are optimistic. In the previous survey, this figure was just over half. The opinion research institute Bilendi surveyed 1,000 men and women aged 18 and over on behalf of the company for the representative survey in June and July.

According to the survey, confidence in old-age provision is also low among people who put money aside in addition to their state pension: According to the survey, 32 percent believe that state and private pensions will enable them to lead a self-determined life in old age.

According to the survey, some of the assessments are self-critical: "Only a third of those surveyed have planned their financial resources for retirement well," explained Jörg Arnold, Head of Swiss Life Germany.

Clear gender difference in survey

According to the survey, there is a clear gender difference: 35 percent of men think their personal finances are well prepared for old age, but only 24 percent of women. According to the survey, a quarter of respondents think that they have taken care of their own retirement provision too late.

However, general satisfaction with their own lives has hardly fallen: 40% said they were satisfied or very satisfied overall, one point less than a year earlier.


