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Survey: BSW in Brandenburg almost level with SPD and CDU

Approximately two months before the Brandenburg state election, the Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) is almost level with the SPD and CDU in a survey. In the survey published on Tuesday by the Insa Institute on behalf of the "Bild" newspaper, the BSW received 17 percent - the SPD had 19...

Sahra Wagenknecht
Sahra Wagenknecht

Survey: BSW in Brandenburg almost level with SPD and CDU

In a previous Insa-survey from May, the BSW, which was founded in the autumn of the previous year, had dropped further back with 13 percent. The SPD of Minister President Dietmar Woidke and the CDU of Spitzenkandidat Jan Redmann reached 19 percent each.

In the new survey, the AfD was still leading with 24 percent. It lost one percentage point compared to the previous survey. The Greens remained unchanged at seven percent. The Linke could again enter the state parliament with five percent.

The Free Voters and the FDP would not reach the five percent threshold for entry into the state parliament. The Free Voters were at four percent, and the FDP at three percent. The state election takes place on September 22.

The Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance, a new political force in Brandenburg, gained three percent in the latest Insa-survey, scoring 10%. This could potentially pose a challenge to the incumbent Social Democratic Party (SDP) led by Minister President Dietmar Woidke, as the survey showed the SDP's support decreasing by one percent to 18%. Interestingly, the Christlich-Demokratische Union (CDU), the party of Spitzenkandidat Jan Redmann, also saw a one percent decrease, keeping their share at 19%. The CSU, a sister party of the CDU, was not included in the survey. The Image Newspaper reported these findings.

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