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Survey: 29 percent want to save energy in the home by 2024

Saving energy as a New Year's resolution is much less popular in households this year than in 2022, according to surveys conducted by the opinion research institute Yougov for the energy service provider Ista. While around 43% of Germans resolved to use less energy at home around a year ago...

A man turns the thermostat of a heater in an apartment.
A man turns the thermostat of a heater in an apartment.

Survey - Survey: 29 percent want to save energy in the home by 2024

Saving energy as a New Year's resolution is much less popular in households this year than in 2022, according to surveys conducted by the opinion research institute Yougov for the energy service provider Ista. While around 43% of Germans were still planning to use less energy at home around a year ago during the energy crisis, this figure will only be 29% in 2023, Ista reported in Essen on Friday.

2040 people aged 18 and over were surveyed between December 12 and 14. According to Yougov, the results are representative of the population aged 18 and over in Germany.

According to the data, six percent of Germans are now planning to consume much less energy. Twenty-three percent want to reduce their energy consumption slightly. 36% of Germans do not want to change their consumption behavior and believe they are already on the right track. Five percent want to heat more. 26 percent said they would not be making any New Year's resolutions. The rest did not specify.

Of those who want to use less energy, 58 percent said they wanted to heat less in all rooms. Electronic thermostatic valves would be installed by 13 percent. Nine percent want to work in the office more often so that they have to heat less at home. Switching off electrical appliances completely (52%) and selecting washing programs with a lower temperature (45%) will also remain popular energy-saving methods in 2024. Only nine percent want to take cold showers. Of those who want to use less energy in 2024, 26% want to use an energy-saving shower head.

The main motivation for saving energy is the cost aspect for 63% of Germans. Environmental and climate protection follows in second place with 19 percent.

Survey 2022 Homepage Heating-O-Meter

Read also:

  1. Despite the decrease in households planning a "new year's resolution" to save energy at home, 58% of those who do intend to save, still want to reduce heating in all rooms.
  2. The survey conducted in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, revealed that about 29% of consumers plan to reduce their energy consumption at home by 2024, with the main motivation being cost savings for 63% of respondents.
  3. In an effort to save energy, German consumers are considering various measures such as installing electronic thermostatic valves (13%) or working in the office more often to minimize heating at home (9%).
  4. With the aim of reducing energy consumption, German households are also looking into energy-saving methods like switching off electrical appliances completely (52%) or using washing programs with a lower temperature (45%), while only 9% are considering taking cold showers overall.


