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Supermarket roof collapses - 12 lightly injured

The roof of a supermarket in Ratzeburg partially collapsed. Several people are injured. A drone is being used to search for more victims beneath the rubble.

- Supermarket roof collapses - 12 lightly injured

In the collapse of a supermarket roof in the Schleswig-Holstein town of Ratzeburg, twelve people were lightly injured. It's still unclear if there are more people in the building, a police spokesperson said, but she deemed the likelihood low. The rubble is being searched from the air using a drone for heat signatures. "We can't rule anything out, but there are also no further indications that there are still people there," she said.

The reason for the partial collapse of the supermarket roof in the district town of the Herzogtum Lauenburg district was initially unclear. The emergency call came in just after 5 p.m., the spokesperson said. Due to the building's high risk of collapse, rescue workers could not enter.

According to witnesses, the collapse was preceded by loud cracking. Customers and staff were instructed to leave the building immediately. "Let's hope that everyone managed to get out and that this turns out to be a minor incident," the police spokesperson said.

A large number of rescue services were reportedly on site, including police, firefighters, the district's emergency services, and the German Red Cross.

All twelve injured are lightly injured, the spokesperson added. Some were taken to hospital, others were treated at the scene.

The initial investigation into the cause of the supermarket roof collapse in Ratzeburg failed to provide any clear answers. Despite the dangerous condition of the building, efforts to search the supermarket roof for any potential survivors were being made using a drone.

Despite the precarious state of the building, efforts were made to clear the debris on the supermarket roof to ensure no one was trapped.

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