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Sun interspersed with clouds on Thursday.

In the capital area, the sun is a regular presence. Temperatures drop during the night. The upcoming days are likely to be mostly dry.

The sun's rays emerge from behind a dark cloud above the television tower.
The sun's rays emerge from behind a dark cloud above the television tower.

Predicting Climatic Conditions - Sun interspersed with clouds on Thursday.

On Thursday, the weather in Berlin and Brandenburg revolves around a mix of sunshine and clouds. The day remains predominantly dry, with rain only appearing in late afternoon and evening as per the German Weather Service (DWD). Temperatures peak at 18 degrees in Uckermark and 23 degrees in Niederlausitz.

As per the forecast, the night will be completely dry. Temperatures are expected to plummet to 10-5 degrees. Temperatures approaching 0 degrees are a possibility in low-lying areas and pockets of low pressure.

On Friday, the meteorological conditions call for a pattern of alternating clouds and warmer intervals. Most of the day is expected to be dry, with showers showing up in the afternoon. Temperatures will soar to 19-22 degrees. The wind is predicted to be light to moderate and will gradually weaken as the night draws on. The forecast indicates a mostly dry wintry night on Friday leading into Saturday. Temperatures will take a tumble, reaching 11-7 degrees.

The weekend commences with a blend of sunshine and clouds. On Saturday, the hottest spots will be in northern Brandenburg, where temperatures are forecast to hit 21 degrees, and in the south where they could reach 25 degrees.

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