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Summery Breakfast Recipe: Beige Smoothie-Bowl

This recipe for a fruity smoothie bowl with a beer hint is perfect for summer: Refreshing, fruity, and light.

A Smoothie Bowl is not only refreshing and tasty, it also supplies the body with numerous...
A Smoothie Bowl is not only refreshing and tasty, it also supplies the body with numerous nutrients. Therefore, you start the day full of energy.

Refreshing, fruity, satisfying - Summery Breakfast Recipe: Beige Smoothie-Bowl

Muesli, Marmalade Bread or Rührei – what do you prefer for breakfast? The possibilities are endless, yet people often tend to eat the same thing every day. But in the summer, there are numerous refreshing alternatives that bring some variation to the breakfast table.

A Smoothie Bowl Refreshes and Cool Down

When the thermometer climbs above the 20 degree mark in the morning hours, a refreshing Smoothie Bowl is just what's needed to keep a cool head. Plus, it provides us with ample energy. Starting the day with a healthy, balanced breakfast sets you up twice as well for the day. The body is optimally supplied, efficient, and resilient.

The base of this Smoothie Bowl consists of frozen berries, oats, yogurt, and a banana. While the berries give the recipe its distinctive creamy consistency and freshness, as well as numerous antioxidants and fiber that keep blood sugar levels constant and provide long-lasting energy, oats and banana keep us full thanks to complex carbohydrates.

Oats contain antioxidants and are rich in soluble fiber, which helps maintain a constant blood sugar level and thus provides sustained energy. Bananas, on the other hand, bring a natural sweetness due to the contained fruit sugar and contribute to the creamy consistency. Additionally, they are an excellent source of potassium and provide vitamin B6, fiber, carbohydrates, and vitamin C.

Greek yogurt is the protein component of the summer breakfast. It provides us with a large portion of proteins and contains probiotics, which can support the intestinal flora.

Nutrient-rich, filling, and balanced

Rounded off with flax seeds and honey. While flax seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, which help maintain a constant blood sugar level, high-quality honey contains more than 240 healthy nutrients and even has antibacterial properties.

By the way: Omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in the development of nerve and brain cells and contribute to better blood flow – so a breakfast with flax seeds supports brain function directly.

The toppings complete the picture. The limits of your imagination are set here. Fresh berries, banana, or even coconut flakes are particularly delicious. Oats, granola, or coconut chips provide a crunch and keep you full even longer. Nuts are ideal as toppings, as they contain healthy unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and a great contrast to the cool, creamy Smoothie Bowl.

So: Let your creativity run wild and find your favorite combination.

Recipe for a fruit-fresh Smoothie Bowl



  • 200g frozen berries
  • 1 banana
  • 200g Greek yogurt
  • 3 tbsp oats
  • 1 tbsp flax seeds
  • 3 tbsp honey


  • 1 handful fresh berries
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 tbsp oats
  • Nuts of your choice
  • 1 tbsp coconut flakes


  1. Thaw frozen berries slightly in a bowl.
  2. Greek yogurt, oats, flax seeds, banana, and berries blend finely with a blender.
  3. Sweeten to taste with honey.
  4. Fill into a bowl and garnish with fresh berries, banana, oats, nuts, and coconut flakes.
  5. Enjoy immediately.

Tip: For those who prefer a vegan diet, replace Greek yogurt with a plant-based yogurt alternative and use Agave syrup instead of honey. You can easily make oat yogurt yourself. Learn how here.

Smoothie-Maker Test: Go to the Smoothie-Maker Comparison here.

This Smoothie Bowl recipe is not only refreshing but also packed with health benefits. The base includes oat flakes, which are rich in antioxidants and soluble fiber, helping to maintain a constant blood sugar level. Bananas, another ingredient, provide natural sweetness and are a great source of potassium and vitamins. Greek yogurt, as the protein component, is filled with proteins and probiotics, supporting intestinal health.

Flax seeds are added for their omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, which contribute to better blood flow and sustained energy. Honey, rich in over 240 nutrients and antibacterial properties, gives a sweet finish to this nutritious bowl.

For the toppings, you can let your imagination run wild! Fresh berries, banana, coconut flakes, oats, granola, and nuts all make excellent additions, adding crunch and texture while providing further health benefits.

In the "Headlines" or "Top-News", you might read about the importance of a balanced breakfast for starting the day with ample energy and a resilient body. So don't forget to enjoy this fruit-fresh Smoothie Bowl with an "Appetite" or "bon appetit" in German!

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