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Summer shows its cool side

Partly dense clouds, recurring rain and a maximum temperature of 21 degrees: the new week starts off unsettled and cool. A ray of hope is expected on Monday afternoon.

New week starts unsettled
New week starts unsettled

Weather - Summer shows its cool side

The new week starts in Rhineland-Palatinate and in Saarland with a variable to heavily overcast sky. It keeps raining intermittently, and short thunderstorms are also possible, as the German Weather Service (DWD) in Offenbach reported. In the afternoon, it is expected to clear up a bit, then it will remain dry. The highest temperatures are predicted to reach 17 to 21 degrees, in the mountains a cool 15 degrees. According to DWD, it will rain at night until Tuesday, with temperatures dropping to 13 to 8 degrees. Tuesday's daytime is also uncertain.

The new week commences with wet conditions in both Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, as per the German Weather Service based in Offenbach. Despite an anticipated clearing of the sky in the afternoon, rain is expected to persist until Tuesday night in these regions.

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