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Succession for state data protection officer Lutz Hasse not clarified

The term of office of the Thuringian State Data Protection Commissioner Lutz Hasse ends in February. There are candidates to succeed him. However, it is still unclear whether one of them can count on a majority in parliament.

Lutz Hasse, State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Thuringia.
Lutz Hasse, State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information of Thuringia.

Personal details - Succession for state data protection officer Lutz Hasse not clarified

Four weeks before the end of Thuringia's data protection commissioner Lutz Hasse's term of office, his successor has not yet been decided. According to dpa information, the SPD parliamentary group, which has an informal right of nomination, has a preferred candidate who is to present himself to the parliamentary groups of the coalition partners of the Left and the Greens in January. It is therefore still unclear whether this candidate will be supported by the Left and the Greens. According to the red-red-green parliamentary groups, the candidate has the necessary professional qualifications.

The parliamentary secretary of the Thuringian Green parliamentary group, Madeleine Henfling, said that the aim was for the Red-Red-Greens to put forward a joint candidate.

Lutz Hasse has been Thuringia's State Data Protection Commissioner since 2012. The lawyer came to the job via an SPD ticket. The term of office for the state data protection commissioner in Thuringia is six years, only one re-election is possible; Hasse was confirmed in office in 2018 and therefore cannot stand for re-election. A successor would have to be elected in the state parliament. However, the Left Party, SPD and Greens do not have their own majority in parliament, which is why the opposition also has a say.

The CDU parliamentary group and the FDP group are leaving all options open. "For us, it is not a given that the proposal has to come from the SPD. We are also in talks," said the parliamentary manager of the CDU parliamentary group, Andreas Bühl. The aim of the CDU is "to find an independent and best-qualified candidate for a timely replacement". Bühl did not rule out the possibility of sending his own candidate into the race. However, they still wanted to hold talks. Agreements with the AfD are out of the question for the CDU, but they want to talk to the other parties represented in the state parliament. "And then we will decide which candidate we will support or whether we will enter the field ourselves with a candidate."

The FDP has a similar view: they want to look at the candidates and then decide next week, said FDP group leader Thomas Kemmerich. "Mr. Hasse's performance in office has repeatedly provoked our criticism," he said. We would like to see a state data protection officer with more pragmatism. "In my opinion, some of the approaches taken by the data protection authority were excessive," said Kemmerich. The Free Democrats took offense at Hasse's actions during the coronavirus pandemic, for example, because he drew attention to data protection problems with the use of certain software. Hasse, on the other hand, said that he had only insisted on compliance with applicable law - and had also provided schools with a list of software that was safe from a data protection perspective at an early stage.

Bühl confirmed the CDU's plan to elect a new state data protection commissioner in the plenary session at the beginning of February.

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