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Substantial harm following burglary in solar farm

Unknown perpetrators manage to infiltrate a solar farm located in Lower Bavaria. They make off with precious inverter units, inflicting substantial damages estimated in the six-figure sum.

After a burglary in a solar energy facility situated in Lower Bavaria, law enforcement authorities...
After a burglary in a solar energy facility situated in Lower Bavaria, law enforcement authorities express concerns about substantial losses.

- Substantial harm following burglary in solar farm

Unknown individuals have swiped 37 supposed inverter units from a solar facility situated in the Bavarian region of Passau. The monetary loss and property damage incurred are estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands, as per the police statement.

Inverters serve the purpose of converting solar energy into formidable electricity suitable for household use. Preliminary investigations suggest that the culprits managed to breach the facility's security in Beutelsbach between midweek and the weekend. At present, the police are on the lookout for potential eyewitnesses.

The swiped inverter units were stolen in a theft from the solar facility. The significant monetary loss and damage to property from this theft are currently being investigated by the authorities.

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