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Subsidies in the millions cannot be paid out

The federal budget freeze also has a direct impact on the federal states. Funding for the economy has been frozen for the time being. This is delaying many projects.

Euro banknotes lying on a table.
Euro banknotes lying on a table.

The company - Subsidies in the millions cannot be paid out

In view of the federal budget freeze, millions in funding cannot currently be disbursed in Saxony-Anhalt. Of 62 planned approvals for companies, 28 projects could not be approved at present, the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced in response to an inquiry. The federal budget crisis is now having a direct impact on the federal states, said Economics Minister Sven Schulze (CDU). The expenditure in question amounted to around 50 million euros.

This so-called GRW funding is intended to support investments by companies and in infrastructure. The freezing of the funds would have serious consequences for companies, as the planned projects could now not even be started, said Schulze. The subsidies account for a third of the total investment sum. However, he hoped that a solution would be reached between the federal government and the federal states in the coming days and that the funds could still be released soon.

Background on GRW funds

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